Ready to take care on you

- Hydroalcoholic gel dispensers have been installed for hand washing in common areas.
- Doors and emergency steps are kept open to facilitate the transfer of people.
- Cleaning and disinfection of offices, bathrooms and facilities is carried out with a bactericidal disinfectant.
- Several ozone air disinfection machines are installed in the different rooms of the work center (general office, coordination office, meeting room, warehouse, etc.). They remain running throughout the night when there is no staff on the premises.
- The office and dining room are kept closed.
- The material and equipment used, as a general rule, are single-person in nature. For those equipment that must be shared, their cleaning / disinfection will be constantly maintained with a product for this purpose and after each use.

- Specific training has been given to all staff.
- Safety distances are maintained.
- Training for the use of PPE derived from COVID-19 (gloves and masks) is provided and has been given to all personnel
- The working hours are adjusted to the specific need, depending on the production.
- A temperature measurement and daily record of all personnel is carried out upon arrival at the work center, immediately giving the alarm and sending the person to the medical center, if at any time a record higher than 37.5ºC is exceeded .
- As a general rule, only one person per vehicle will travel, which will have been previously cleaned with a disinfectant product. If necessary, a maximum of two people per vehicle will travel, in this case with the necessary PPE and maintaining the recommended safety distance.
- All vehicles have been equipped with hydroalcoholic gel for hands, a disinfectant cleaner and reserve masks, to be used when necessary.

- The material to be delivered has been previously disinfected by means of the nebulization system, with a disinfectant product. A label in a visible area will indicate the date and operator who has carried out this cleaning / disinfection.
- The parts to be handled by the customer (panels, switchboards, etc.) will be cleaned / disinfected again at the time of delivery.

- Explain to the client that exceptional security measures are being taken against the contagion of the virus, thus avoiding contagion between our staff and the client and vice versa.
- Usually the works are outdoors, but in the event that some work must be carried out indoors, ventilation will be carried out before and during the execution of the aforementioned work.
- Shaking hands with the client as well as any other greeting with physical contact will be avoided, always maintaining a safe distance.
- Before starting work, clean your hands with hydroalcoholic gel, use gloves and a mask.
- Try not to touch unnecessary surfaces (doors, knobs, etc.).
- Tools for individual use will be used. If exceptionally one must be shared, it will be cleaned / disinfected before and after each use.
- Make sure that you have everything you need to carry out the work, to avoid unnecessary travel.
- At the end of the work, the parts to be handled by the customer (panels, switchboards, etc.) will be cleaned / disinfected.
- Do not stop using PPE, and avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes.
- Always respect the safety distance of 2m.
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